Bukefalos 28 år!

Träna engelskan?

No, but I have seen what salt does to my shoes so I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't too good for the paws.
But if this would be a true problem, why does our local Pet Lobby being so silent about this matter? Imagine the krängthetspoäng they could receive in the tabloid press!
But if this would be a true problem, why does our local Pet Lobby being so silent about this matter? Imagine the krängthetspoäng they could receive in the tabloid press!

Well, as I don't have any experience on the matter, I can't say if it's not a problem or if the lobby just fails at being vocal. I'm pretty sure that the alarms about the antifreeze is a bit exaggerated though, it can't be that much of it on the ground for it to be a real problem. There's probably a lot of other chemicals that poses a greater threat to our pets.

Maybe I should send the tabloids a tip? I could become rich and famous over one night(!?).
Typo is more "tryckfel" than "slarvfel". If you have a typo in your text it simply means you've accidentally written "jga" instead of "jag", not that you're tired and have made silly mistakes.
Though it's commonly used in English forums as a form of slang. I guess it's a word that's beginning to change meaning or have many meanings, oh well.
In the U.K. this is now causing disturbance:


WARNING for all dog owners & Dogs carers. Read on....
With the snow and ice expected the roads may well be gritted, if you walk your dog on gritted roads/paths please make sure that their paws are washed either by walking them through a few puddles away from the gritted surfaces or by dipping their feet in fresh water once at home. Every year hundreds of pets throughout the country become seriously ill and in some cases die because of the rock salt and antifreeze being used during the cold snap. Dogs and cats walk through the substances left by gritters trying to clear roads and car drivers defrosting their windscreens and then licking them off their paws. Consuming rock salt can cause dehydration, liver failure and pancreatitis, while antifreeze contains the chemical ethylene glycol, which can be lethal when ingested.

I'm telling my pet caring friends, that we're having this conditions 4-5 month each year, and I've never heard of pets dying around me.
Does anyone of you take special care of your dogs because drivers using what we in Sweden call spolarvätska?
As far as I know anti freeze is not the same as spolarvätska, I'd say anti freeze is more of a de-icing liquid that you can spray on the windshield to make the frost/ice go away faster. Not sure if that changes anything, and I haven't heard of issues with this in Sweden either, but still. When I lived in America and took care of a dog, the owner would make me dab the dog's paws if we'd been on a lot of gritted paths as the salt would damage the paws and pads. I think the main issue was that the salt would make them very dry, which isn't difficult to imagine, and that they would consequently crack and bleed.
As far as I know anti freeze is not the same as spolarvätska, I'd say anti freeze is more of a de-icing liquid that you can spray on the windshield to make the frost/ice go away faster.
I think you just defined spolarvätska, a de-icing liquid that you can spray on the windshield to make the frost/ice go away!

Yes, and I can also see not only salt drying paws and pads - but what once upon a time was sand and now can be razor sharp crushed rocks slicing up their pads as well.
But the cats and dogs are for Gods sake not dying around us!
I think you just defined spolarvätska, a de-icing liquid that you can spray on the windshield to make the frost/ice go away!

Yes, and I can also see not only salt drying paws and pads - but what once upon a time was sand and now can be razor sharp crushed rocks slicing up their pads as well.
But the cats and dogs are for Gods sake not dying around us!
Oh, I thought that spolarvätska was the liquid you spray from within the car and use to clean the windshield, i.e. the liquid that's stored underneath the hood of the car? The examples of anti freeze I have seen here come in regular spray bottles that you can buy from e.g. petrol stations and that you manually spray onto the windshield to melt the ice before you start the car and drive. Perhaps that's what's particularly bad for animals, but it's not very common in Sweden and hence no warning is needed? Otherwise I'd imagine they had to send out warnings all year round, because spolarvätska to me is something you'd use during summer as well.

(but I do agree with you that that image you shared does look like a typically over-dramatic one that's shared by a certain kind of people on Facebook...)
I think you just defined spolarvätska, a de-icing liquid that you can spray on the windshield to make the frost/ice go away!
As far as I know, spolarvätska is washer fluid/wiper fluid, not antifreeze.

Hola! No, pero me gustaria aprender para la boda :)
Aha. ¿Pero has vivido en Epaña, no? Pensaba que has vivido en Cataluña pero quizás sea otra persona?

¿En que idioma será la boda? :)
The examples of anti freeze I have seen here come in regular spray bottles that you can buy from e.g. petrol stations and that you manually spray onto the windshield to melt the ice before you start the car and drive away
Yep, that's the anti freeze I've seen too. It's not at all the same thing as windshield washer fluid.
Antifreeze is used to lower the freezing point in fluids, it's not a specific product but an additive. There is antifreeze in windshield fluid, but they are not the same thing.

According to Wikipedia (I have not tried it myself), antifreeze has a sweet taste, so if a pet would come in contact with it, they might consume it. But it doesn't seem like a very likely scenario that pets would get that much more exposure to antifreeze that this becomes a real problem?
Oh, I thought that spolarvätska was the liquid you spray from within the car and use to clean the windshield, i.e. the liquid that's stored underneath the hood of the car? The examples of anti freeze I have seen here come in regular spray bottles that you can buy from e.g. petrol stations and that you manually spray onto the windshield to melt the ice before you start the car and drive.
As far as I know, spolarvätska is washer fluid/wiper fluid, not antifreeze.

As far as I understand wiper fluid (spolarvätska) and that regular spray bottles of antifreeze is just the same methanol/ethanol shit, while the term antifreeze is wider, and do include such frostskyddsmedel as glykol - which is somewhat sweet and might be what what they're concerned about for the animals sake. But glykol is stucked up and secured in the enginge, and does not just happen to end up at the pavement - if not an idiot pour it out.
But it doesn't seem like a very likely scenario that pets would get that much more exposure to antifreeze that this becomes a real problem?
If the animals were walking taxing areas at airports, they would be very exposed to glykol not only in winter times.
So the warning might be for Globetrotting Dogs!
För att prata klartext, det finns inte en chans i helvete att ett barn kolkar i sig mängder av ren T-sprit eller motsvarande. (Spolarvätska eller era sprayflaskor)
De tvärnitar bara de får skiten på läpparna.

Däremot glykol som inte alls har spritsmak utan mer en kladdig och sötaktig smak händer det att barn hinner dricka en del av innan det blir stopp. Nu pratar vi tfn till giftcentralen, och bråttom.

Därför är jag övertygad om varningen gäller antifreeze i glykolform, nåt som inte alls finns efter vägarna där hundarna promenerar.
Alltså - textförfattaren har blandat ihop antifreeze med antifreeze, etanol med glykol.
Senast ändrad:
As far as I know, spolarvätska is washer fluid/wiper fluid, not antifreeze.

Aha. ¿Pero has vivido en Epaña, no? Pensaba que has vivido en Cataluña pero quizás sea otra persona?

¿En que idioma será la boda? :)

He estado en Barcelona antes de venir a Londres.

La boda será en sueco y catalán :)

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